This week I had the priviledge of getting together with some ex-jw's on 2 different occasions.
During the week a friend that I know from email and an ex-jw support email group came to my area for a work conference. It was so great to finally meet her and talk. I brought my husband and kids along and everything went great. She has her life really going well and she hasn't become one of the crazy ex-jw's that I have met. You know...I like to call them the ranting fanatics.
Then Saturday night we went and had dinner - hubby, me, 2 boys - with people my husband knew from his old hall. They are disassociated by their actions because they had a wreath on their door around the holidays...and it wasn't even a Christmas wreath. Also very nice people who have things going well for them. None of their kids are rapists, murderers, drunk drivers. They both have jobs and are super nice. They are very moral and not hurting anyone. They have moved on. They lost all their lifelong friends when they left and don't even want to hear about the JW's because after they left they researched and now feel as though they were duped all those years.
So after these 2 meetings my Darling Husband and I are talking and he was asking questions about the UN scandal and about the people we had seen this week.
We were talking...okay, mainly I was talking about how to me the JW's aren't right as far as being a Christian Organization and why I still want no part of them...
My husband responded that even though he doesn't want to talk to any elders or go to meetings - he feels Jehovahs Witnesses are the only people on earth doing what they are doing and living in accordance with the Bible... so they must be right. His explaination was a little longer - but that was the jist of it.
It left me feeling very discouraged and I feel like he is going to eventually go back. Probably not anytime soon, but I would bet Las Vegas money that he will start studying again or go to a memorial.
I feel very sad because I really want him to feel as I do about the JW's. I want him to stop defending them and saying good things about them. I want us to be on the same page about this and until we are I don't feel that we are really doing okay.
We've been together over 7 + years and I just feel like this stupid religion is always going to be between us.
I know some will say I could just let this all go and not freak out if he goes back to the hall or becomes active in the org again...but honestly I could not live with him if he went back. I wouldn't trust him or the ineveitable people that would come around...I'd be angry all the time.
I also know we've come a long way. He will now look at the so - called Apostate websites and information I show him. He will discuss things with me and I can be calm and not become maniacal in my arguements - the boys medical decisions are all up to me. So these are positive things.
I'm just feeling sad about his statement.
Thanks for letting me share this I think the people on this site are truly some of the only ones who may understand what I am feeling.